The glyph of Sagittarius (see Figure 4-4) represents the centaurís arrow and your high aspirations.
Figure 4-4:
The symbol of Sagittarius.
The symbol of Sagittarius.
The sunny side
At your happiest and best, you're a free spirit, a cheerful wanderer, an honest and intelligent companion, and a philosopher who likes to ponder the big questions - preferably with a few pals and a plentiful supply of snacks. You see life as an ongoing quest for experience and wisdom, not as a search for security. Restless and excitable, with a rapid-fire wit, you chafe under restriction and demand autonomy, which you happily extend to others.
In your eternal quest for experience and knowledge, you pursue a multitude of interests and you set ambitious, wide-ranging goals for yourself. You want to see the world and understand it, which is why your sign rules travel, philosophy, religion, law, and abstractions of all kinds.
Sagittarius is freethinking, casual, open-minded, and optimistic (though a couple of planets in Scorpio can dampen your spirits and add a touch of melancholy). You connect easily with all kinds of people and are said to be lucky. The truth is that your spontaneous decisions and out-there gambles occasionally pay off, but what benefits you the most is your fearless attitude. Sure, troubles may come. No one is immune to that. But ultimately, buoyed by your curiosity and belief in the future, you bounce back. You look at it this way: What other choice is there?
The sorry side
Like the centaur, your half-human, half-horse symbol, you're divided. Part of you aspires to party into the night (that's the quadruped half). The other part of you aims high, longing to expand your mind and explore the infinite reaches of the spirit. Sounds good, but you can be a blowhard - and without a target, you flounder. Impractical and disorganized, you're easily sidetracked and must battle a tendency to procrastinate. You fritter away endless amounts of time and energy (and money). Moreover, you can be unreliable, with an unfortunate tendency to promise more than you can actually deliver. You don't mean to misrepresent yourself; it's just that your innate optimism causes you to overestimate your ability.
A peculiar fact about Sagittarius is that although you supposedly love the outdoors, you may not spend much time there. (As Sagittarian Woody Allen said, ìI'm at two with nature.î) And though you thrive on exercise, you can be physically clumsy. More significantly, you can be dogmatic and fanatical, with an exasperating propensity to preach. Finally, there's your legendary tactlessness. You haven't learned to lie, even when it's a kindness to do so. A friend shows up with badly cropped hair or a hideous new outfit? You blurt out the unflattering truth. It's the flip side of your honesty - and it's nothing to be proud of.
Funny, generous, enthusiastic, and direct, the Archer loves to talk and makes friends easily. Stimulating conversation and a clever sense of humor carry a lot of weight with you. You also prize personal freedom, making romance much trickier than friendship. Despite a tendency to take risks in other areas, you tend to hold back romantically and are famous for being resistant to commitment. Whether you come across as a Don Juan, an inconstant lover, or a monk-in-training, you usually manage to maintain your independence, even at the cost of occasional loneliness. Besides, you're an optimist (though you may think otherwise). So why settle for someone who's less than perfect when alone offers thousands of eligible soul mates at the click of a mouse? No wonder it's hard to choose. Denizens of other signs may rush to the altar, anxious to pair up and settle down. You have fantasies aplenty - but they're not about weddings, gift registries, mortgages, or twins. You'd just as soon see the world and develop some of your own talents.
When you do ultimately connect (and fear not, it happens all the time), you sincerely hope that the relationship will lead to a larger, more fulfilling life - not a more constrained one. You have nothing against domesticity, but it is not your dream, and stability is not your guiding principle. Instead, you seek a life of adventure, be it literal, intellectual, or spiritual, with plenty of laughs along the way - and an active, accomplished companion who doesn't mind being with someone as independent as you. Even in a fully committed, deeply passionate relationship, Sagittarius always needs some space.
For information on the Archer's relationships with other signs, turn to Chapter 15.
Funny, generous, enthusiastic, and direct, the Archer loves to talk and makes friends easily. Stimulating conversation and a clever sense of humor carry a lot of weight with you. You also prize personal freedom, making romance much trickier than friendship. Despite a tendency to take risks in other areas, you tend to hold back romantically and are famous for being resistant to commitment. Whether you come across as a Don Juan, an inconstant lover, or a monk-in-training, you usually manage to maintain your independence, even at the cost of occasional loneliness. Besides, you're an optimist (though you may think otherwise). So why settle for someone who's less than perfect when alone offers thousands of eligible soul mates at the click of a mouse? No wonder it's hard to choose. Denizens of other signs may rush to the altar, anxious to pair up and settle down. You have fantasies aplenty - but they're not about weddings, gift registries, mortgages, or twins. You'd just as soon see the world and develop some of your own talents.
When you do ultimately connect (and fear not, it happens all the time), you sincerely hope that the relationship will lead to a larger, more fulfilling life - not a more constrained one. You have nothing against domesticity, but it is not your dream, and stability is not your guiding principle. Instead, you seek a life of adventure, be it literal, intellectual, or spiritual, with plenty of laughs along the way - and an active, accomplished companion who doesn't mind being with someone as independent as you. Even in a fully committed, deeply passionate relationship, Sagittarius always needs some space.
For information on the Archer's relationships with other signs, turn to Chapter 15.
Sagittarius is the sign of higher education, and the professions associated with the sign reflect that. Blessed with a love of learning and a yearning to do something that matters, you're well suited for teaching, publishing, journalism, law, religion, communications, and anything involving international relations or travel. You dislike bureaucracy and grow restless in a rigidly structured organization. Whatever you do, your intellect needs to be engaged. Versatile and quick, you're easily distracted and may accept a hodgepodge of assignments just to keep things interesting. Big projects and high ideals excite you. Bookkeeping doesn't. Financial management doesn't. Indeed, it's the small stuff that trips you up - and yet your professional success depends upon your ability to handle the details. Learning to delegate is another one of your challenges. A natural egalitarian, you hate to request assistance and are uncomfortable asking others to perform the dull tasks you'd just as soon dodge yourself. Finally, you may face issues of time management. In a world full of fascinating distractions, it's essential to use your time to advantage. But you already know that.
If you work for a Sagittarian, your essential task is to keep the big picture in mind and make sure things are moving forward. If your work is generally on target, the Archer won't nitpick you to death. Sagittarius isn't a micromanager. On the other hand, if you need help with something specific, you may not get it. After all, you already received a rundown of the situation - right? And be prepared: Detail-averse Sagittarians don't object to working overtime. If you're a strict 9-to-5er, the Archer may question your commitment.
Sagittarius is the sign of higher education, and the professions associated with the sign reflect that. Blessed with a love of learning and a yearning to do something that matters, you're well suited for teaching, publishing, journalism, law, religion, communications, and anything involving international relations or travel. You dislike bureaucracy and grow restless in a rigidly structured organization. Whatever you do, your intellect needs to be engaged. Versatile and quick, you're easily distracted and may accept a hodgepodge of assignments just to keep things interesting. Big projects and high ideals excite you. Bookkeeping doesn't. Financial management doesn't. Indeed, it's the small stuff that trips you up - and yet your professional success depends upon your ability to handle the details. Learning to delegate is another one of your challenges. A natural egalitarian, you hate to request assistance and are uncomfortable asking others to perform the dull tasks you'd just as soon dodge yourself. Finally, you may face issues of time management. In a world full of fascinating distractions, it's essential to use your time to advantage. But you already know that.
If you work for a Sagittarian, your essential task is to keep the big picture in mind and make sure things are moving forward. If your work is generally on target, the Archer won't nitpick you to death. Sagittarius isn't a micromanager. On the other hand, if you need help with something specific, you may not get it. After all, you already received a rundown of the situation - right? And be prepared: Detail-averse Sagittarians don't object to working overtime. If you're a strict 9-to-5er, the Archer may question your commitment.
Classic Sagittarians
- Mark Twain, Tyra Banks (Moon in Aries)
- Christina Aguilera, Lucy Liu, Jim Morrison, Diego Rivera (Moon in Taurus)
- Jeff Bridges, Edith Piaf, Tina Turner (Moon in Gemini)
- William Blake, Jimi Hendrix (Moon in Cancer)
- Winston Churchill, Katie Holmes (Moon in Leo)
- Frank Zappa, Samuel L. Jackson (Moon in Virgo)
- Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, Jay Z (Moon in Libra)
- Scarlett Johansson, Bruce Lee, Steven Spielberg (Moon in Scorpio)
- Ludwig von Beethoven, Joan Didion, Jon Stewart (Moon in Sagittarius)
- Brad Pitt, T. C. Boyle (Moon in Capricorn)
- Woody Allen, Britney Spears, Caroline Kennedy (Moon in Aquarius)
- Joe DiMaggio, Frank Sinatra (Moon in Pisces)
- Polarity: Positive
- Favorable Colors: Purple and blue
- Quality: Mutable
- Lucky Gem: Turquoise
- Element: Fire
- Parts of the Body: Hips and thighs
- Symbol: The Centaur
- Metal: Tin
- Ruling Planet: Jupiter
- Key Phrase: I see
- Opposite Sign: Gemini
- Major Traits: Adventurous, independent